🌺 Bedding plant summer bargain sale on Friday 3rd June – lots of good deals available 🌺 🌼 Prices starting from just £1 🌼 🌿 Open from 9am to 6pm 🌿
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Cafe closure
Please note the cafe will be closed on Monday 30th May and Friday 3rd June. The garden will remain open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm.
Planting and Blether Sessions
We have had many requests to fill people’s containers/planters with this year’s beautiful bedding plants and up until now it hasn’t been possible due to COVID restrictions. We are delighted that we can now offer this as a service and our volunteers are ready to come to a garden near you!! We will fill […]
More Vegetables Packs available
Do you have a wee space for planting out more of our free vegetables, we have cabbage (5 different varieties), kale, purple sprouting broccoli, spinach and lettuce? Please phone Eileen on 810253 or Angie on 810352 to order a pack. BBC Alba Gaelic News – Our vegetable starter packs are making news!! https://www.bbc.co.uk/naidheachdan/52827833?fbclid=IwAR28tiKSj1ANh4AmFO8w0EYftPNF2D1W1sFV1DG2EnXx1xpimrubfs3mkWg
A’ cur agus a’ buain
On 27 May Garadh a Bhagh a Tuath made the news, well done to our Chrissie in her interview and to everyone who has helped ensure that we are still able to get our bedding plants, shrubs, herbs and vegetables out to our local customers. Here’s a link to the Gaelic news clip: https://www.bbc.co.uk/naidheachdan/52827833?fbclid=IwAR28tiKSj1ANh4AmFO8w0EYftPNF2D1W1sFV1DG2EnXx1xpimrubfs3mkWg
Livingstone Daisies – Brighten up your Garden!
We still have a small supply of bedding plants for sale at the Garadh and in particular this Barra favourite Cleretum bellidiforme – £3 per tray of 6 The Livingstone daisy is a low growing succulent annual with grey-green papilose leaves and wonderfully colourful daisy-like flowers. Please call either Eileen on 810253 or Angie on […]
Closed to the Public
Please note that Garadh a Bhagh a Tuath is still closed to the public and this restriction will be remaining in place for the foreseeable future. As a community garden our main purpose is to provide a horticultural-based project where by we grow and sell local produce whilst helping people with special needs. We will […]
Something Different for the Garden
Phacelia – £1.50 per pot Somthing different for the garden. Fast growing annual producing clusters of blue flowers with medium height stems. Brilliant for attracting beneficial insects to your garden and beautiful too. Telephone phone either Eileen on 810253 or Angie on 810352 to order
Vegetable Plants now availabe for Sale
Orders being taken now for vegetable plants for your garden. Please phone Eileen on 810253 or Angie on 810352. Delivery will be made to your home under our strict coronavirus regulations to keep you safe: CORONAVIRUS Regulations: Plants and compost will be delivered to your door (please keep to the 2 metre social distancing) and […]
Supporting Local Producers – Spinach and Rhubarb for Sale
Both rhubarb and spinach are availabe to buy at Buth Bharraigh. Buy local and support Barra producers.