***ORDERS being taken NOW**
We at the Garadh pride ourselves in growing the finest home grown bedding plants for you to enjoy this Summer/Autumn.
Please phone Eileen on 810253 or Angie on 810352 with your orders for delivery this weekend and next week.
This year has been very challenging for us because the Garadh is shut to the public and will probably remain that way for most of this year. We are adhering to strict hygiene regulations relating to Coronavirus and we have been constantly liasing with our Barra medical team to ensure we can deliver to you safely our plants, shrubs and now our popular bedding plants.
We can’t thank the community enough for all the support you have shown us already this year. We have been out and about delivering direct to your door and at the same time making sure we all stick to the guidelines that will keep you safe.
With our Northbay cafe also closed for the foreseeable future we need your support more than ever this year.
The profits from our plant sales help support the running costs of our horticultural based project. This project is for all adults who want to volunteer and most importantly it helps adults living in our community who require additional support.
Garadh a Bhagh a Tuath is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation [SCIO] and all profits from our produce are used for the runing costs of the Garadh and are put back into the community.
For all our PLANT AND COMPOST DELIVERIES please ensure you follow these strict procedures to ensure you stay safe:
CORONAVIRUS Regulations: Plants and compost will be delivered to your door (please keep to the 2 metre social distancing) and you should place the plants & compost in a shed/hut for at leat 24 hours before planting out to keep you safe from any potential transfer of the virus.
*IMPORTANT – WASH YOUR HANDS ** straight away after moving/touching. Thank you

Cledendula/Scotch Marigold – £3 per tray (x6) A mix of gold, yellow and orange flowers. The pteals are great in salads too

Petunia ‘Phantom’ £2.50 per pot Striking yellow and dark purple striped flowers. Great in baskets and containers

Surfina ‘ Priscilla’ – £2.50 per pot Fragrant double violet blooms. Great for baskets and containers

Surfina ‘ Hot Salmon’ – £2.50 per pot Deep salmon coloured centres with lighter fringe. Beautiful in baskets and containers.

Petunia ‘ Queens of Hearts’ – £2.50 per pot Stunning pink with yellow stripes. Great in baskets and containers.

Cosmos – £2 per tray (x4) Cheery splashes of colour borne on tall stems. Great border plant and good for cut flowers

Trailing Lobelia – £2 per tray (x4) A mix of deep blues, white and purple flowers. Excellent in baskets and containers

Lobelia ‘Mrs Clibran’ £2 per tray (x4) Compact annual with white-centred blue flowers. Great bedding plant