All are now ready for planting out and available to buy on a first come basis. We are taking orders from MONDAY 20 April 2020! Prices and details on each photograph below.
Please place your order with either Angie on 810352 or Eileen on 810253 and you will be invoiced for the the full amount in due course. So please let us have your email address to send this to.
For all our PLANT AND COMPOST DELIVERIES please ensure you follow these strict procedures to ensure you stay safe.
CORONAVIRUS Regulations: Plants and compost will be delivered to your door (please keep to the 2 metre social distancing) and you should place the plants & compost in a shed/hut for at leat 24 hours before planting out to keep you safe from any potential transfer of the virus.
*IMPORTANT – WASH YOUR HANDS* straight away after moving/touching. Thank you

Creeping Red Sedum – £4.00 Clusters of red flowers. Will spread and form clumps. Perfect for rockeries

Shasta Daisy – £4.00 Produces basses of big white daisy flowers on tall stems from mid summer until autumn

Beach Aster – £2 Clump forming low growing perennianl that will be comvered in pink flowers in summer. Brilliant rockery plant

Michaelmas Daisy – £4 Clump forming perennial producing masses of pale purple flowers on tall stems in late Summer and Autumn

Thift or Sea Pink – £3 Forms low dense clumps and produces pink or red flowers in Spring and early Summer. Great plant for rockeries and walls

Sedum – £4 A great plant for attracting butterflies and bees into your garden. Works well in rockeries