All are now ready for planting out and available to buy on a first come basis. We are taking orders from MONDAY 13 April 2020! Prices and details on each photograph below.
Please place your order with either Morag on 890777, Angie on 810352 or Eileen on 810253 and you will be invoiced for the the full amount in due course. So please let us have your email address to send this to.
For all our PLANT AND COMPOSTDELIVERIES please ensure you follow these strict procedures to ensure you stay safe.
CORONAVIRUS Regulations: Plants and compost will be delivered to your door (please keep to the 2 metre social distancing) and you should place the plants & compost in a shed/hut for at leat 24 hours before planting out to keep you safe from any potential transfer of the virus.
*IMPORTANT – WASH YOUR HANDS* straight away after moving/touching. Thank you

Variegated Hebe – £6.50 Lovely variegate foliage and beautiful purple flowers. Great for attracting wildlife.

Potentilla ‘Primrose Beauty’ – £6.50 Low Growing shrub suited to suny free draining sites. Masses of pale yellow blooms in summer

Berberis Darwinii – £6.50 Produces masses of orange flowers in april and May followed by shiny black berries. Very prickly

Ribes/Flowering Currant. – £6.50 Fast growing shrub with gorgeous cascades of pink flowers in Spring

Gorse – £6.50 Extremely tough shrub with vibrant yellow flowers in Spring. It’s sharp spines will repel sheep!

Hebe – £6.50 A Barra standard. Very hardy shrub with masses of purple flowers. Adored by bees, butterflies , birds and people

Escallonia ‘ Apple Blossom’ – £6.50 More open growth habit than the usual Escallonia. Pale pink blossom

Forsythia – £6.50 One of the earliest flowing shrubs, brightening March and April days with masses of bright yellow flowers

Purple Elderberry – £6.50 Shiny dark purple leaves and bunches of white flowers followed by black berries. Highly ornamental and edible too

Bay – £6,50 Plant in a sheltered spot in the garden or in a large pot on your patio and have an endless supple of bay leaves for your casseroles!

Buddleia – £6.50 The butterfly bush. Produces long flower spikes in summer. Available in dark purple or white

Olearia Traversii – £6.50 Excellent hedging shrub that thrives on Barra. Tolerant of strong winds and spray

Spirea Arguta ‘Bridal Wreath” – £6.50 A real stunner in May when it produces masses of tiny white flowers

Olearia Macrodonta/New Zealand Holly – £6.50 Vigourous medium sized shrub producing bunches of white flowers in the summer

Olearia x Haastii/Daisy Bush – £6.50 Dense growing shrub with small shiny leaves and daisy like flowers

Hypericum – £6.50 Low-medium growing shrub with beautiful yellow blooms in Summer and clusters of shiny red turning to black berries in autumm

Olearia Solandri – £6.50 Fast gorwing shrub producing masses of tiny yellowish flowers. Highly fragrant