Plant Sales at Clachan, North Uist and Eriskay

On Saturday 4th May we headed to Clachan for our annual plant sale day on North Usit and what a day we had!  People were waiting for us to arrive and we sold loads of our lovely planters, shrubs and a whole variety of bedding plants.  Our sales were up on last year by over 300 pounds! To give you a flavour of our day at Clachan, here’s a short film of our journey:

Thanks to everyone at Clachan Church of Scotland for their hospitality and we look forward to coming back next year.

We had hardly any time to turn around and we were back on the ferry on the following Saturday 11st May for our plant sales in Eriskay. Again it was a great day for all our volunteers and a very successful day as we once again increased our plant sales from last year by over 300 pounds.

Thanks to the Eriskay community for coming along to buy our plants and for their hospitality. We really appreciate your support and look forward to May 2020 when we’ll be back!